BLIND GUARDIAN Fans 'Demand' Extended Version Of Upcoming Live DVD

June 9, 2004

BLIND GUARDIAN fans from all over the world are imploring the band on their official forum to issue an extended version of their brand-new live DVD "Imaginations Through The Looking Glass", scheduled for release on June 14 through Virgin.

The extended version would contain all the missing songs the band played on their own festival in Coburg, Germany last year plus the "fan-choirs," announcements and mistakes, without any cuts and corrections.

In total, the set would contain 3 DVDs, one with Day One of the festival, one with Day Two, and the third would be the normal bonus disc and would be released about half a year or a whole year later.

The songs which were left out from the upcoming DVD's track listing but that were performed at the festival are as follows:

01. Theatre Of Pain
02. Run For The Night
03. Journey Through The Dark
04. Harvest Of Sorrow
05. Under The Ice
06. Time What Is Time
07. Born In A Mourning Hall
08. The Bards Song - The Hobbit
09. Lost In The Twilight Hall
10. Majesty
11. The Soulforged
12. Welcome To Dying
13. Into The Storm

If you think this is a good idea and you wish to post your opinion, you can do so in this thread under the "The Band" section of BLIND GUARDIAN's official forum. Please note that you have to be a member of the forum in order to post.

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